Political Quirks - UK

Posts in the UK category.

More Brexit thoughts



I find it impossible to look away from the political high drama taking place on the other side of the North Sea. So I’m once more going to inflict my thoughts on you; and I’ll concentrate on aspects I think are underreported.

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Brexit thoughts



If the voters are to be believed, and if they haven’t changed their minds since yesterday, Britain is out of the EU. However, there’s one question I’m asking myself: WHO will actually do the deed?

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Thoughts on the UK coalition

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Well, the deal is done, and Britain is ruled by a coalition. Although I still feel they gave themselves too little time, it seems the Tories and LibDems have actually struck a reasonable deal. In fact, the deal is outright generous to the LibDems because the Tories were in too much of a hurry. Patience is a virtue in coalition negotiations.

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Thoughts on the British elections and coalition(!) negotiations

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Well, a hung parliament it is, and British politicians are getting ready to enter unknown and potentially dangerous territory: coalition negotiations.

The real problem here is not that the party leaders don’t want to negotiate, but that nobody has any idea of how to do it gracefully. The poor things are quite out of their depth and try to hide their uncertainty by proceeding at breakneck speed.

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The UK elections

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Today we will briefly glance across the North Sea to the UK elections which have become uncommonly exciting.

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This is the political blog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer, in Amsterdam. It’s a hobby blog where he follows Dutch politics for the benefit of those twelve foreigners that are interested in such matters, as well as his Dutch readers.

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