Political Quirks - Election night thoughts

Posts in the Election night thoughts category.

Balkenende and the CDA

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Election night thoughts

Balkenende has resigned. No surprise, but it still had to happen. A new party leader has not been announced, and this will become a painful process.

Turnout is relatively low: only 74%. What seems to have happened is that about one third of the CDA voters stayed home. That’s good news for now, but it also means the christian-democrats may recover quite a bit once they have a better leader.

First thoughts

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Election night thoughts

It’s going to be a nail-biter tonight, with PvdA and VVD both at 31 seats. It’s likely the results are going to differ slightly from the exit polls, but whether that’s good for the PvdA or the VVD remains to be seen.

Poll update: one seat has shifted from PVV (now 22) to SP (now 16). Right block goes down to 74.

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