Politieke Barometer has released its second poll this week, and I added it to the polls page. It’s the first poll after Wednesday’s debate.

With a lot of fantasy the new poll can be seen as evidence for my undecideds theory, but the effect is very slight and might easily fall within the margin of error. GL and SP both win one seat, while the PvdA loses one. On the right, the VVD wins one seat while CDA and PVV both lose one. That means one seat has gone from right to left. This is in line with what I predicted, but I was hoping for a clearer support of my theory, and you should feel free to believe the poll results are a coincidence.


New Politieke Barometer poll

The Politieke Barometer has released its second poll this week, and I added it to the polls page. It’s the first poll after Wednesday’s debate.

With a lot of fantasy the new poll can be seen as evidence for my undecideds theory, but the effect is very slight and might easily fall within the margin of error. GL and SP both win one seat, while the PvdA loses one. On the right, the VVD wins one seat while CDA and PVV both lose one. That means one seat has gone from right to left. This is in line with what I predicted, but I was hoping for a clearer support of my theory, and you should feel free to believe the poll results are a coincidence.

<— The prime minister | Two parties on verge of breakthrough? —>

This is the political blog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer, in Amsterdam. It’s a hobby blog where he follows Dutch politics for the benefit of those twelve foreigners that are interested in such matters, as well as his Dutch readers.

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1 Posted by David on 29 May 2010 | Permalink

New TNS-NIPO poll, you might have missed it:\pol_vvd_loopt_uit-26052010.htm