QuirksBlog monthlies

This is the monthly archive for June 2010.

More IE9 goodness and elementFromPoint()

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Well, I’ve revised the DOM CSS and the DOM CSS OM tables, too, and IE9 continues its march. It supports the standards!

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IE’s big leap forward; CSS3 selectors fully supported

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In the past few days I’ve been revising the CSS compatibility table with information about the latest crop of browsers. There’s no doubt about it: this is IE9’s show. It just supports nearly everything. No hassle, no buts.

Besides, CSS3 selectors are now fully supported by all browsers but one. And that one browser is not IE. It’s, curiously, Opera.

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Fronteers 2010: early bird ending

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On 7 and 8 October Fronteers 2010 will take place in Amsterdam. Three more speakers and one more workshop have been announced, and the early bird period will end next Wednesday, at the end of June.

The three speakers are Brad Neuberg, who will talk about SVG, and Steve Faulkner and Hans Hillen, who will talk about doing HTML5 the accessible way: with ARIA.

Dan Rubin will be giving a workshop “Bringing Your Design to Life with CSS3” on Tuesday 5 October, two days before the conference.

Right now a conference ticket for two days is still only € 275. These prices will go up next Thursday, though. A workshop ticket for Dan Rubin or Andy Clarke will remain € 350 So what are you waiting for? Buy one! (Or two, or five.)

(Fronteers members should not use the general ticket sale page. Instead, they have gotten a mail with special instructions for obtaining an extra discount.)

I hope to see some of my readers at Fronteers 2010.

Background module supported; vendors ditch prefixes

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I just finished my CSS3 background tests, and I’m happy to report that all browsers but one now support the module very well. Also, I’m pleased to report that all browser vendors but one have ditched the vendor prefixes and now support the pure, correct CSS3 properties.

All browsers but one. If you guess that that one browser is IE, you’ve guessed wrong. It’s Firefox.

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A tale of two viewports — part two

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About a month ago I release part one of my series “A tale of two viewports,” where I discuss the widths and heights of the viewport, the <html> element, and related issues on desktop browsers. Today I release part two, which deals with the mobile browsers. And of course there’s the inevitable compatibility table.

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New WebKit tests

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I have updated the WebKit comparison table with data from Safari 5, Chrome 5, and Android 2.1. Improvements throughout!

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Ultra-quick Samsung WebKit review

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On Thursday I got a Samsung bada test phone (the Wave) that runs the latest installment of Samsung WebKit, and of course I subjected it to various tests. The verdict is clear: excellent browser. As far as I’m concerned it ousts Opera Mobile from my personal top three.

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Samsung presentation

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I’ve published my Samsung bada/HTML5 apps presentation of yesterday. People who religiously follow my presentation will not find much new stuff in there, except maybe that I made the case for a change of app monetisation more forcefully than before.

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See the May 2010 archive.

This is the blog of Peter-Paul Koch, web developer, consultant, and trainer. You can also follow him on Twitter or Mastodon.
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