safe for historiansThis is the blog of Peter-Paul Koch, web developer, consultant, and trainer.
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In the past two months or so I’ve done a lot of compatibility testing, and I thought I’d give you an update.
I’m increasingly posting my real-time raw test results and announcing new versions of tables on Twitter; so if you’re interested in that data you can follow me.
The last round of testing (last week) added IE8 final, Safari 4, and Chrome 2 to the roster of browsers, while earlier on I already admitted Opera 10a and Chrome 1. With this confused policy in mind the updated compatibility tables are:
The Master Compatibility Table contains an overview of where the testing stands right now.
You may notice that I’ve removed Safari iPhone from the regular tables; that’s because, in addition to the normal testing work, I’m also working on the mobile compatibility tables, and of course the iPhone belongs in that group.
After some initial confusion about exactly what I should test and what Vodafone has available, I have now created a test roster of 19 browsers on 13 phones; enough for the moment. I’m especially trying to figure out how much difference there is between various Opera Mobile installs and various S60 WebKit installs. The answers seems to be “quite a bit” and “hardly any,” respectively.
I’ll continue to test four separate installs of S60 WebKit, but I’m already pretty certain that I’m going to merge them into one entry in the not-too-distant future.
Currently the mobile tables are:
font-style: italic
had to be tested, so I’m glad I took it slow.Again, if you want to see my conclusions as I draw them, follow me on Twitter.
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1 Posted by jerone on 31 March 2009 | Permalink
Good work. Definitely useful for my site when finished.