Yesterday I gave my first ever conference presentation in Dutch at the Pfcongrez, the annual conference of the PHP Freakz, the largest Dutch organisation for PHP programmers.
The presentation went well; I talked about the principles of unobtrusive JavaScript and it turned out that this concept was new to many attendees. I hope to have made a difference somewhere.
Here are the slides (in Dutch). I also promised to put the useful links online; here they are:
If you want to hear me talk about unobtrusive JavaScript in English, come to An Event Apart Boston (June 23rd-24th), where I'll present an updated version.
This is the blog of Peter-Paul Koch, web developer, consultant, and trainer.
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1 Posted by Ruud Boon on 13 April 2008 | Permalink
Hi Peter-paul,
Just want to tell you that I enjoyed your presentation yesterday! Keep up the great work here on you're site. It's really helpful.
2 Posted by Edwin V. on 13 April 2008 | Permalink
Thanks again for your great job Peter-Paul. Your presentation was really useful and enlightening. Maybe until next year, for the second part of your 8 hour during presentation on this topic ;)
3 Posted by Nick Belhomme on 13 April 2008 | Permalink
Dear Peter-Paul,
thank you so much for the presentation you gave yesterday! I really enjoyed it. It was professional and complete!
Pity we didn't have the chance to talk, but maybe at the next congrez!
Keep doing what you do best!
You are definitely a javascript professional!
Kind regards,
Nick Belhomme
4 Posted by Berry Langerak on 14 April 2008 | Permalink
Hi Peter-Paul,
Thanks for the great presentation. You really opened up my eyes on the keyboard vs. mouse events.
5 Posted by Andre Hebben on 14 April 2008 | Permalink
Thank you for your speech you gave on the PfCongrez.
It really opened my eyes to concerning unobtrusive JavaScript. From now on i'll implement it in future sites.
6 Posted by Christopher Boomer on 14 April 2008 | Permalink
It's good to evangelise and it must have been refreshing to do so to a local audience.
I was recently challenged to 'style a site' using the ExtJS framework, and it comes as no shock to me that Unobtrusive Javascript remains a niche and lofty concern.
Half an hour spent on the forums at ExtJS will find you a whole new audience in need of conversion.
7 Posted by Thom Bruin on 14 April 2008 | Permalink
Hey Peter-Paul,
Thanks for the great presentation last saturday.
For me it was the best one of the four!
It realy helped me out with some javascript issues.
8 Posted by Jilles Oldenbeuving on 14 April 2008 | Permalink
Hey ppk,
Thought the presentation was terrific, with good points and professionally presented to boot!
Working on getting my slides online as well.
9 Posted by Stefan on 14 April 2008 | Permalink
Your presentation was probably my favorite of the day (without being negative about the others, they were all great!). Thanks.
10 Posted by bruce on 25 April 2008 | Permalink
Wow, PPK. I didn't know you speak Dutch! Where did you learn that?
11 Posted by ppk on 25 April 2008 | Permalink
Bruce, it's a long story filled with passion, pain, hope, and filthy chicken sandwiches. Let's have a beer at some conference and I'll tell you all about it.