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IE8b1 tests and more CSS tests

In the past few days I've worked a bit on my compatibility tables. IE8b1 information has been added to the W3C DOM Core and HTML tables.

Furthermore I've taken the opportunity to present the CSS compatibility table better. I split the page into two tables, CSS 2.1 and CSS 3, and I added a few CSS tests. The table below shows the new tests and their browser compatibility.

Update: Added Safari 3.1 Windows information to the main CSS table only.

Finally, a question. Who knows of CSS 3 declarations that don't yet figure in the CSS table but are supported by at least one browser? (Nightlies don't count, but betas do.) Please leave a comment with declaration name and supporting browser. It'll help me get my testing priorities straight.

New CSS pages

Declaration IE 5.5 IE 6 IE 7 IE8b1 FF 2 FF 3b4 Safari 3.0 Win Opera 9.5b Konqueror 3.5.7
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

To assign counters to headings or other elements.

For enabled, disabled, or checked form fields. No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Select elements according to a formula No No No Static Yes

Opera doesn't update the styles correctly when elements are added dynamically.

Allows you to define blocks of styles that only take effect on certain monitor sizes. No No Static Yes No

Safari assigns the styles statically on page-load and doesn't update them.

for :before/:after No Incomplete Almost Incomplete Almost Almost
Allow the user to resize an element. No No Yes No No
Declaration IE 5.5 IE 6 IE 7 IE8b1 FF 2 FF 3b4 Safari 3.0 Win Opera 9.5b Konqueror 3.5.7
See also the key to my compatibility tables.


Comments are closed.

1 Posted by Tino Zijdel on 18 March 2008 | Permalink

text-overflow is a CSS3 property that is supported by almost every browser (except, ironically, Firefox) and that I use a lot. However, it seems to be broken in IE8b1, but it could also be that overflow itself is broken in that beta (which would explain why a lot of sites appear broken in IE8b1).

Opera is by the way the only browser that can properly handle text-overflow in non-fixed-layout tables.

IE's table-rendering algorithm pretty much makes it impossible to have proper text-overflow in tables (without javascript based workarounds), and since Firefox changed it's table-rendering algorithm to match IE's in version 3 I don't foresee any solution for that particular problem anytime soon, even if Firefox did implement text-overflow.

2 Posted by Harmen Janssen on 19 March 2008 | Permalink

It's really cool to see you're still so very busy with your compatibility tables.

They continue to be of great help to probably every serious web developer and their cats.

Only, are you sure you want to include IE8 in this early stadium? I can imagine, when comparing IE8's current performance with Microsoft's promises, there will be lots and lots of updates before the browser finally gets out of Beta state.

Don't exhaust yourself to much with every new Beta. :)

3 Posted by ppk on 19 March 2008 | Permalink

Thanks, Tino, text-overflow is added. Doesn't work in Opera, BTW.

4 Posted by Peter Siewert on 19 March 2008 | Permalink

Opera currently only supports "-o-text-overflow: elipses"

My suggestions to be added:
word-wrap, hsl and rgba colors.

5 Posted by Per Øyvind Øygard on 20 March 2008 | Permalink

Shouldn't content and :before/:after be listed under CSS2?.

6 Posted by lynne on 20 March 2008 | Permalink

I agree with the IE8 comment. With their new releases covering standards and "real world" updates with Microsoft that there is a lot ahead for changes coming from IE...a lot. However you are going to really appreciate this comp. table and your documentation later on down the road.

7 Posted by David Storey on 21 March 2008 | Permalink

text-overflow has been removed from CSS3. As it wasn't stable, opera requires the -o- prefix. If you add this it will work.

content is CSS2, but content on any element (not just before and after) is CSS3, and Opera supports this. I think it is the only browser that does this.

8 Posted by Tino Zijdel on 21 March 2008 | Permalink

David: The current WD ( ) states: "Many sections intended for this module are not yet represented in this draft. In particular, the 'text-justify-trim', 'text-overflow', 'text-decoration', 'text-transformation', 'text-autospace', other properties have not yet been evaulated.".

So text-overflow isn't described in the WD (yet), but afaik it hasn't been removed either. I sure hope they will not remove it because the usecase for this is enormous.

9 Posted by Axel Berger on 6 April 2008 | Permalink

Two formal comments on your table:
You use background colouring for important information. Due to too many people abusing it and making things hard to read I keep that turned off, which makes your table incomprehensible.

You not only choose red and green to convey important information but also choose shades of both that make them absolutely identical for me. I speak for about one in ten of all males here, probably the biggest group with accessibility issues by far.

10 Posted by Manfred Staudinger on 7 April 2008 | Permalink

From your compatibility table for HTML tables I'm missing the col element - but aren't rows _and_ columns at the heart of what defines a table?
When I tried to use table-layout fixed, I found that IE6 and IE7 are adding the horizontal padding for td's to the width specified for the columns (not so for FF and Opera 9.25). A test is at
and I would be very interested in your comments.
