QuirksBlog monthlies

This is the monthly archive for October 2004.

QuirksMode: first anniversary

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I almost, but not quite, forgot that today is this site's first anniversary. Exactly one year ago I was very glad to finally publish it and put an end to an increasingly interminable development phase.

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Quirks and Strict Mode

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According to my referers, many visitors find my site through Google while searching for "quirks mode". Naturally, this site has a rather high ranking on this query due to its name. Nonetheless, I hadn't yet added a page that explains the differences between Quirks and Strict Mode, which is probably what these visitors are searching for.

Therefore I finally added a page Quirks and Strict Mode which explains how to trigger them and some differences between these two modes.

Selection styles

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Found out by accident that it's possible to style the text selected by the user in Mozilla and Safari.

NL-artikel: Structuur in de chaos

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lang="nl" Nieuw artikel op Naar Voren: Structuur in de chaos. Hoe zet je een XHTML-pagina op die voldoende aanhaakpunten biedt voor CSS en JavaScript?


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Updated the wbr page with the ­ entity and a table outlining the resulting incompatibility soup.

Bug Report

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New feature on my site: the Bug Report.

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See the September 2004 archive.

This is the blog of Peter-Paul Koch, web developer, consultant, and trainer. You can also follow him on Twitter or Mastodon.
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