Summary of the Thidrekssaga

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Osantrix and Oda


In this time two young men came to king Osantrix, they were the sons of jarl Ilias von Greken, and thus Osantrix' brother-sons. They were Hertnit and HirdVon der Hagen: Osid. Hertnit was eleven winters old and Hird tenIn other words: they are not fully grown yet. King Osantrix made Hertnit a jarl and set him over his knights, and thus Hertnit became one of the great men of Wilkinenland and received large fiefs.


Jarl HertnitVon der Hagen: and his brother Osid with him rode south to Hunnenland, and when he was admitted to king Melias he gave a speech about his mission, but the king listened gloomily. Jarl Hertnit gave him a purple cloth, and two golden drinking cups, and a silken tent bordered with gold as gifts, but king Melias replied he would not sell his daughter for these gifts, only a concubine.

Now jarl Hertnit showed Osantrix' letter — and Melias read the letter himselfClause not in Von der Hagen — and Melias became angry and had Hertnit and Osid thrown in the dungeon.

Attila and Erka


One day king Attila told Osid to travel to Wilkinenland to ask for the hand of Erka, king Osantrix' daughter. Attila also selected a second chieftain to go on this journey: Rodolf, a duke over many knights. When Osid and Rodolf arrived in Wilkinenland king Osantrix received them well, even though he and Attila were not friends, and asked them what they came for.

Osid told them Attila wanted to marry Erka. Osantrix replied that king Attila had feuded with him, and killed many Wilkinamen, and therefore he would not give him his daughter. Osid and Rodolf returned home and told each other they had never seen so beuatiful a woman as Erka, and after her Berta, her sisterIn Von der Hagen Osid tells all this to Attila.


A castle was called Bakalar, and a margrave called Rodinger owned it, a powerful chieftain and friend of king Attila. Attila sent word to Rodinger, and when the margrave came to Soest Attila asked him to ride to Wilkinenland to king Osantrix to ask for Erka’s hand. And, added Attila, if he again denies us his daughter, tell him he should prepare his realm and men and we will come with our army.

Rodinger went to Wilkinenland with sixty knights. King Osantrix welcomed him and organised a feast, which Rodinger accepted.


Then Rodinger told Osantrix that Attila wanted the hand of Erka, and a rich dowry. He will repay you with gifts and his friendshipInstead of this, Von der Hagen has: when he does not get what he wants, he will bring his army here.. He is now very powerful, and is now established over Hunnenland and he is the most valiant of kingsVon der Hagen: and conquered great realms with his sword, and he succeeded at everything, that's why it's better to have his friendship rather than emnity.

King Osantrix replied: You are a good chieftain, margrave, and you bring your lord’s message well. But it’s strange he desires my daughter when he has taken our territoryVon der Hagen: that was Melias’, and I should avenge him. And king Attila is of a less high family than we Rus. Then why should I give him Erka, whom I love more than most of my kingdom. Now go home in peace, but king Attila should not hope we give him our daughter.

Rodinger told Osantrix that if he didn’t want to give his daughter to Attila, that king would do great damage to his realm. Osantrix laughed, and warned Attila through Rodinger that the Wilkinenmen were ready for battle. Then Rodinger went back, and Osantrix gave him rich gifts. In Soest he told Attila that there was no chance Osantrix would give Erka to him.


King Attila gathered a great army against king Osantrix, and when he rode out of Soest he had fiveVon der Hagen: six thousand knights, and when they came in Wilkinenland they burned and pillaged.

The giant Aspilian came against Attila with his army, and a great battle ensued. The Wilkinenmen were put to flightVon der Hagen: Aspilian had few warrior but depended on his brothers, and they killed five hundred, of which Widolf alone three hundred. and Aspilian and Etger fled east, but Aventrod and Widolf fled to king OsantrixThis clause is not in Von der Hagen, but matches 144, where only these two giants are with Osantrix.

Now king Osantrix gathered his army and marched against Attila. When he came south of Jutland he wanted to do battle with Attilaand in Von der Hagen this battle actually takes place and Widolf mows down the Huns and Attila loses and flees into the forest, but Attila rode back into Hunnenland, and Osantrix went after him, and when Attila came to the forest on the border between Denmark and Hunnenland he set up his tents and waited to see if Osantrix would ride out of his realm into HunnenlandVon der Hagen: Osantrix didn’t want to enter the forest at night and set up his tents on one side, and Attila on the other..


RodolfVon der Hagen: Rodinger the good knight was spying in the forest. When he became aware of king Osantrix’ army Rodolf went back to king Attila's armyEverything up to here is missing in Von der Hagen and gathered three hundred knights and met Osantrix’ guards and killed all twelve. Then they rode into king Osantrix’ camp and blew their horns, and killed all that came running, and before they even got their weapons six hundred men had been killed by weapons or trampled under horseshoesThis last clause is only in Von der Hagen.

Then he rode back into the forest and counted his men, and found he had lost no one, and no one was even seriously wounded, but they had killed five hundred of the enemy. And Rodolf went back to Attila, who rewarded him wellVon der Hagen has something more negative: When Osantrix took up arms they fled to king Attila and told him what happened, and asked him to retreat to Hunnenland in order to safeguard it, since they could do nothing else. Then Attila went home to Soest, and king Osantrix went back to his realm, and things stayed calm for a while.


One day duke RodolfVon der Hagen: margrave Rodinger went to king Attila and asked him for a boon: three hunderd knights, and as much gold and silver as necessary for such an expeditionVon der Hagen: and your nephew Osid. King Attila asked whet he needed it for, and the duke said: What does it matter? But if I’m not back after three winters I’m dead. And king Attila gave him what he asked for.

They rode from Soest andVon der Hagen inserts: he had the rumour spread he rode westward to Spain to ask for the king of Spain’s daughter’s hand for king Attila, but in fact went north to Wilkinenland, and when they came into an uninhabited forest they made camp. Now Rodolf told his men: This forest is uninhabited, and there’s no road through it. Stay here and live her for a while, until I return. This gold and silver I give you to provide yourselves with food and clothing, and send men to the market to buy what you need. If I’m not back within three winters, go home ant tell king Attila that I’m deadVon der Hagen adds: He asked Osid to take care of them in his absence.

Then he rode alone to Wilkinenland, wearing a large hood and calling himself Sigurd.


When he arrived at king Osantrix’ hall he came before the king wearing a wide hood so that one could not see him in the eyes, and appeared to be an oldand either dim-sighted or stupid man. He threw himself before the king’s feet and said: Lord Osantrix, for God’s sake grant me mercy. And the king asked: who are you and what do you want? You speak like our enemies, the Huns.

RodolfVon der Hagen: Rodinger said: Lord, I am Sigurd, and I was raised in Hunnenland and I fled before my enemies. Osantrix said: You look like duke Rodolf, who once killed five hundred of my knightsVon der Hagen adds: and thus repaid the gifts we gave him. If this is really Rodinger, this refers to the gifts in 44..

Sigurd said: I was king Melias’ follower with my three brothers, but Attila hanged one of them, killed another with the sword, and wounded the third, and he was still lying wounded when I left. Then I killed a hundred of his men and burned five farms and fled from HunnenlandVon der Hagen’s version is much longer: Sigurd denies being Rodinger, explains how they never swore loyalty to Attila, got chased, and now wants to serve Osantrix because he is married to Melias’ daughter. And if Rodinger were to fall into your power, like I have now, may you repay his ingratitude and crimes..

And Osantrix welcomed him, and promised him a rewardVon der Hagen adds that Osantrix' men would welcome him as well, and Rodinger says that he will stay if that is true And Sigurd stayed with king Osantrix for two wintersVon der Hagen adds he kept wearing his deep hat, but did not speak to Erka, although he would have liked to.


Around that time a powerful king from Svavaland called Nordung came to Osantrix to ask for Erka's hand, and he was supported by jarl Hertnit and his brother HirdVon der Hagen: Osid because Nordung was a friend of theirs. King Osantrix was inclined to take up the proposal, provided his daughter was willing.

Erka lived in a castleVon der Hagen: together with her sister Berta and forty other maidens that no man was allowed to enter. King Osantrix told Sigurd: You are a good man, and therefore I want to send you to Erka in her castle to tell her about Nordung and to ask her for her wishesVon der Hagen more like: and to continue Nordung's wooing for him.

King Osantrix and king Nordung were sitting outside on the city wallVon der Hagen: castle court when this happened.


Sigurd went to the castle and asked the princess to open the doors. When she heard her father had sent him there she invited him in and asked him what his mission was. And she added: You are a wise and wily man, and never before someone has come to my father for twice twelve months who acted as you have, for you never came here except when you’re commanded to, and you never came to talk to us.

Sigurd said that it was not customary in herVon der Hagen: our country to see princesses, unless the king allows it, and that he learned this in Hunnenland. But since the king himself sent him, they could speak for a while.

Then Erka told her sister Berta and all others to go out so that the two of them could remain alone to fulfill his mission. But Sigurd proposed: let's go into the grassy courtyard to speak there, so that even the king on the wall can see what wer’re doing, but no one can hear our words. And Erka replied he was courteous, and learned great cunningor good manners? in his youth. Then she called for two cushions to be laid outside.


Now they went out into the garden and sat below a treeVon der Hagen: apple tree and kings Osantrix and Nordung saw where they were sitting. And Sigurd took off his hatWhy is this important? and said: I deceived king Osantrix and you, lady, I’m not Sigurd but RodolfVon der Hagen: Rodinger, king Attila’s messenger. He asks you to become his wife, and he will mae sure you will get sons, have knights and castles, and you’ll be the greatest queen of all the world.

Erka became angry and called out: My dear sister Berta, hear now this man’s mission. He is Rodolf, and has deceived me and myStrictly speaking ourfather; Berta is also Osantrix’ daughter father. Quick, go tell my father what happened, for he has killed five hundred of his knights and will hang for that.

Rodolf said: Rather, lady, go with me to become king Attila’s wife and queen, and young BertaAccording to 28 she is older than Erka; or is "young" meant as a lower rank? Or did Osantrix just have two wives at the same time? will become my wife.

Then Berta said: Lady, as a king’s daughter you shall not betray a manVon der Hagen: foreign man who has come into your power. Rather, you should allow him to leave. But didn’t you at one time say, sister Erka: Holy God in Heaven, make me queen of Hunnenland? Now you can get what you asked of God. Don’t betray this man. Become Attila’s queen and I will come with you.

Before Berta had ended her piece Rodolf wanted to leave, because he had heard Erka say that she would tell her father everything. But now Erka called out: Hear, good knight Rodolf, and don’t leave. I will become king Attila’s wife, and I give you this gold ring as a pledge of thatVon der Hagen adds: And my sister and I will keep quiet about you, but you must help us escape.. Osantrix and Nordung saw Erka give Sigurd a ring, so they thought she would accept king Nordung, but it did not turn out that wayThis last sentence is not in Von der Hagen.

Status: summary of 12 chapters complete.

Other parts

  1. Dietrich's family (1-14)
  2. Hildebrand (15-17)
  3. Heime (18-20)
  4. Osantrix and Oda (21-38)
  5. Attila and Erka (39-56)
  6. Wieland the Smith (57-79)
  7. Witig (80-95)
  8. Journey to Osning (96-107)
  9. Witig and Heime (108-110,134-137,146-151)
  10. Detlef the Dane (111-129)
  11. Amelung, Wildeber, and Herbrand (130-133)
  12. Wildeber and Isung (138-145)
  13. Sigmund and Sisibe (152-161)
  14. Sigfrid's youth (162-168)
  15. Origins of the Niflungen (169-170)
  16. Dietrich's feast (171-191)
  17. The road to Bertangaland (192-199)
  18. The tournament (200-222)
  19. Dietrich's fellowship falls apart (223-226,240)
  20. Gunther and Brunhild (227-230)
  21. Walther and Hildegund (241-244)
  22. Ake and Iron (269-275)
  23. Dietrich's flight (276-290)
  24. The Wilkinen wars (291-315)
  25. The battle of Gransport (316-341)
  26. Sigfrid's death (342-348)
  27. Hertnit and Isung (349-355)
  28. Grimhild's revenge (356-394)
  29. Dietrich's return (395-415)
  30. Attila's death (423-428)
  31. Heime's death (429-437)
  32. Dietrich's death (438-442)