Osantrix and Oda
- There are considerable differences between Haymes/Jónsson and Von der Hagen here, especially in
35 . None of them change the story, but it’s really remarkable. I assume Haymens/Jónsson use the Mb3 redaction, but what does Von der Hagen use? A+B? Mb2?
A king was named Wilkinus. He conquered the country named Wilkinenland, that is Sweden and Gotland and the whole Swedish kingdom, Skåne, Seeland, Jutland, and all the territories belonging to it. And king Wilkinus’ realm was so wide that the country was known by his name — and in this saga it is custom that a country and people take their name from their first chieftain. So the country was called Wilkinenland and the people Wilkinen-men — until another people took lordship over the land and gave it a new name.
But when king Wilkinus had ruled this realm for a while he called up his army and rode into Púlínaland. There he encountered king Hertnit, who ruled Reussland and Greece and Hungary, and all of Austria was subjected to him and his brother Hirdir. King Wilkinus was victorious, and he marched on to Reussland and rode into Holmgard, king Hertnit’s capital. Hertnit fled after a bitter struggle, and his brother Hirdir fell, and a large part of the Reuss army. And king Wilkinus took much gold and silver.
A while later Wilkinus and Hertnit made peace. King Hertnit would retain his kingdom but would pay tribute to king Wilkinus. The Wilkinen army stopped in
One time king Wilkinus sailed with his army on the Baltic Sea
When they had come some distance from the land, a woman appeared and she took hold of the ship’s stern so fast that the ship stood still. The king recognised her and told her: Let us continue on our way, and if you have anything to tell us, then come to my country and I will welcome you warmly. Then she released the ship and went back into the sea, and the king went to his kingdom.
Half a year later a woman came to him and told him she was pregnant from him. And he took her in, and after a short while she gave birth to a son who was called Wade. She no longer wanted to stay and left, and no one knows what became of her
When the boy grew up he became so large that he was a giant, and took after his mother so that he wasn’t like other human children. He was unpleasant to be with, and his father liked him little and only gave him twelve farms in Seeland before he died.
King Wilkinus had another son called Nordian, a great hero, but he was greedy and forgetful of those who used to be his friends, and was therefore less praised than his father.
Then king Wilkinus became ill, and before he died he gave his kingdom to his son Nordian. When king Hertnit heard this he swore he would never pay tribute to the Wilkinen any more, and he called upon all his men to arm themselves to wreak vengeance on the Wilkinamen because the death of Wilkinus voided the oaths they had sworn.
Shortly after king Hertnit rode north to Wilkinenland, and he plundered and burned until he found king Nordian’s army. Then they fought battle, but more Wilkinen fell, and Nordian had a smaller army since many of his men staid home and did not give him help, and he left his treasure home and did not spend it on his chieftains and knights
Now king Nordian had only two choices: he could either flee from his realm or give himself up. He decided to put himself at the mercy of king Hertnit, and he went to him and threw himself down at his feet and begged for mercy for himself and his kingdom.
And Hertnit said: The great king Wilkinus fought many battles with us, and he got our realm in his power, just as we now got your realm in our power. And we got peace from him, and therefore you will now get peace from us. But your entire realm will belong to us and pay us tribute, and you shall swear an oath to keep to this truce.
Thus peace was concluded between kings Hertnit and Nordian. Hertnit was now lord of Wilkinenland, and before he went home he set Nordian as his chieftain over this land that we now call Seeland.
And this is how king Hertnit’s realm remained for a long time. With his wife he had two sons, Osantrix and Waldemar, and he had a third son, Ilias, with a concubine