Elsewhere on the 'Net - WaSP

WaSP elsewhere on the 'Net.
Part of Standards/W3C.

21 February 2008

DOM Scripting: A Web Standard

The deed is finally done: the WaSP DOM Scripting Task Force, mainly noted for its unnoticeability, has been disbanded.

Jeremy and I first discussed this back in October, and again in November. We were agreed that there was no more need for this Task Force, and several other members agreed with us.

Early this month I began to become a bit impatient. I decided to act on my own and sent a mail of resignation to the TF, only to have it rejected by the mail server because it was obviously Nigerian spam!

It was at that precise moment in time that I gave up on WaSP. Childish, I know, but it's a fitting symbol of what's wrong with WaSP.

I sent on my mail to Jeremy and Dori privately, and unsubscribed from the TF mailing list in a fit of pique. Now it turns out that they've done the right thing.

As Jeremy says, DOM scripting still needs a lot of work, but we don't need the Task Force for that.

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28 January 2008

Me, IE8 and Microsoft Versioning

Molly disagrees not so much with the versioning switch, but rather with the secrecy in which the talks were held.

IE, WaSP | Permalink

16 March 2007

WaSP Street Team

A new WaSP initiative: the Street Team. Sign up if you want to do something practical for web standards in your neighbourhood. In fact, I'm going to need a few Dutch and Flemish Street Teamers for a project I'll give the details of later, so if you're Dutch speaking and want to get involved, please sign up!

WaSP | Permalink

13 June 2006

Promoting the responsible use of JavaScript: writing, teaching and presenting

What the WaSP DOM Scripting Task Force has done this year.

JavaScript, Linkdumps, WaSP | Permalink

15 March 2006

Designing for: The Web Standards Project

Andy Clarke about the WaSP redesign.

WaSP | Permalink

WaSP redesign

WaSP redesigns.

WaSP | Permalink

3 November 2005

WaSP Microsoft Task Force Update

What can we expect from Microsoft? A few more facts about IE 7 and other subjects.

IE, WaSP | Permalink

This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.

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