Elsewhere on the 'Net - Performance

Performance elsewhere on the 'Net.

13 October 2009

@font-face and performance

Steve Souders has studied @font-face, and comes to the conclusion it's a performance hog because IE waits for the font to be downloaded before showing the page, Safari hides the text until the font is downloaded, while Firefox initially shows the page in the default font and then abruptly changes the font when the download is done.

None of these solutions are optimal. The real problem is that they're the only solutions available, so even browser progress won't solve the fundamental issues.

Performance | Permalink

13 August 2009

Speed Test – Opera Mini, Bolt, Skyfire and UCWEB

Another browser speed test, this time for the client/server browsers Opera Mini, Bolt, Skyfire and UCWEB. Opera Mini (barely) wins.

Opera Mobile/Mini, Performance | Permalink

Browser speed comparison - N86, N97, iPhone 3G, T-Mobile G1 and more

A browser performance test on mobile. Surprisingly, the S60 WebKit (five versions tested) is faster than either iPhone or Android.

The only thing I'm missing here is a reference to S60's extremely aggressive caching. Still, I might use the methodology described here myself later on.

Android, Performance, S60 WebKit, iPhone | Permalink

15 June 2009

JavaScript Frameworks within Mobile Widgets - Part 2

Stefan Kolb continues his series of tests of JavaScript libraries on mobile phones. This time he did the TaskSpeed tests on ten Nokia S60 phones.

Conclusion: Dojo again the fastest library; this time Prototype is the slowest.

Libraries, Performance, W3C Widgets | Permalink

14 May 2009

Sharding Dominant Domains

Steve Souders discusses situations in which it might be useful to spread your assets over multiple (sub)domains, even though that will lead to extra DNS lookups.

Performance | Permalink

13 May 2009

JavaScript Frameworks within Mobile Widgets

Stefan Kolb, one of my co-workers at Vodafone, has conducted a selector performance test for seven JavaScript library versions in the Vodafone Widget Manager, which runs Opera Mobile, on ten different Symbian S60 phones.

For now it is clearly visible that some frameworks perform better than others in terms of DOM selection. By far the slowest framework in my tests across all devices was the YUI v2.7.0 framework. The fastest frameworks were the two version of the Dojo framework, with version 1.3.0 performing slightly better than version 1.2.3.

It is also clear from the results that the performance depends on the mobile device. The Nokia N73 was the slowest phone, no matter which framework was tested on that device. The fastest phone was the Nokia E66, closely followed by the Nokia N85.

Hopefully, the tested - well established - web frameworks will soon be optimized to perform better on mobile phones. After that, I am sure, they will be of great value for the mobile widget developer, just like they are for web developers today.

Obviously, we need many, many more performance tests before we can say which library is "best" on mobile phones. Still, today we've made a start.

Libraries, Performance, W3C Widgets | Permalink

4 May 2009

Loading Scripts Without Blocking

Steve explains how script tags block other downloads in older browsers, although newer ones (IE8, Saf4 and Chrome2) do not block downloads, though they still may block rendering. Finally he gives a few possibilities for loading scripts in a non-blocking way.

Performance | Permalink

13 April 2009

don’t use @import

Steve Souders explains why you should not use @import.

Performance | Permalink

28 March 2009

Reflows & Repaints: CSS Performance making your JavaScript slow?

Nicole Sullivan about repaints and reflows and what the performance cost is. She adds a few interesting rules to optimise your CSS change performance.

Performance | Permalink

20 March 2008

Yahoo!'s Latest Performance Breakthroughs

Yahoo! had already published 14 guidelines for keeping your site performance down. Today they announced 20 more guidelines. I haven't yet studied them in detail, but I'm sure they're just as important as the first batch.

Performance | Permalink

11 February 2008

The Performance Paradox

John talks about performance testing JavaScript libraries and how not to go about it.

JavaScript, Performance, Tests, Theory | Permalink

This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.

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