what's the web look like?
Visualisation of the browser market over the last fourteen years. It turns out that Firefox didn't so much win market share from IE, but rather captured all of the new market share.
History | Permalink
History elsewhere on the 'Net.
10 April 2009
Visualisation of the browser market over the last fourteen years. It turns out that Firefox didn't so much win market share from IE, but rather captured all of the new market share.
History | Permalink
4 April 2008
Brendan Eich gives an overview of early JavaScript history.
History, JavaScript | Permalink
22 January 2008
Eric has created a historical table for browser releases. It's always useful to see the gaps between releases in a graphic way.
BTW, the creation process wasn't exactly easy.
History | Permalink
19 March 2007
Ian Lloyd's wrap-up. Offers an interesting historical comparison 2003-7.
History, SxSW 2007 | Permalink
10 February 2007
Eric asks for the most important and/or overlooked events in the history of CSS and web design. I thought about it for a while, but frankly I couldn't think of something that, to me, was much more important than all other events.
Fortunately most commenters aren't similarly inhibited. This promises to be a useful list for future historians.
CSS, History | Permalink
20 January 2007
How XMLHTTP came to be. By the inventor.
Which is the real explanation of where the name XMLHTTP comes from- the thing is mostly about HTTP and doesn't have any specific tie to XML other than that was the easiest excuse for shipping it so I needed to cram XML into the name (plus- XML was the hot technology at the time and it seemed like some good marketing for the component).
Interesting read all in all, especially because it shows once again that this sort of stuff isn't planned: you create something for your own reasons, but suddenly it takes on a life of its own.
(Via Nate.)
Data Retrieval, History | Permalink
18 January 2007
Perfect little history lesson. Netscape -> Yahoo -> Google -> Mozilla, and the circle is complete.
Business, History | Permalink
15 August 2006
6 August 2006
Today 15 years ago the WWW was invented. This BBC timeline contains a few highlights.
History | Permalink
27 July 2006
David Flanagan celebrates 10 years of JavaScript, and 5 editions of the Def Guide.
History | Permalink
13 July 2006
Jeff Veen about the various redesigns of Hotwired, 1994-1999.
History | Permalink
7 July 2006
9 May 2006
PDF! Interesting paper on the fluctuations of the browser market during the Browser Wars (1996-1999). The authors' conclusions about the present-day browser market are a bit over the top, but they treat the historical material solidly.
Browsers, History | Permalink
10 November 2005
11 October 2005
Over on Digital Web Jeremy explains once more what has gone wrong with the way JavaScript was used (DHTML!) and how we can clear up the situation.
History, JavaScript, Theory | Permalink
25 September 2005
As it says, from the fifties on. Includes many screenshots of obscure operating systems.
History | Permalink
16 September 2005
15 July 2005
Interviews with the Netscape founders. Interesting bits of history.
Browsers, History | Permalink
This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.
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