Elsewhere on the 'Net - Education

Education elsewhere on the 'Net.

29 July 2009

The Developer Evangelist Handbook

Chris Heilmann unveils an online book that explains how to be a developer evangelist. Tons of good advice here. Read it if you're eager to talk about the stuff you're doing and want to convince other developers to use it.

Blogging, Business, Conferences, Education, Professionalism, Public speaking, Skillset | Permalink

17 March 2009

WaSP Interact

To connect the industry and educators. Includes a curriculum with long lists of good books and articles.

Excellent initiative!

Education | Permalink

24 January 2009

Elevate Web Design at the University Level and Brighter Horizons for Web Education

ALA publishes two articles on web development education. Interesting reads, and it seems people all over the world are starting up initiatives to solve part of our educational problem.

Education | Permalink

18 June 2008

The Education of Geeks and Freaks

Interesting article by a teacher about web design or development education.

In his experience, students learn one thing excellently, but don't learn anything about the other, which hampers their effective communication later on.

Oddly, I'm seeing the exact opposite. In most courses here in Holland students learn a tiny bit of everything, which in the end causes them to be unable to fill any role.

But maybe it's different in Canada.

Education | Permalink

This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.

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