Elsewhere on the 'Net - Public speaking

Public speaking elsewhere on the 'Net.
Part of Conferences.

29 July 2009

The Developer Evangelist Handbook

Chris Heilmann unveils an online book that explains how to be a developer evangelist. Tons of good advice here. Read it if you're eager to talk about the stuff you're doing and want to convince other developers to use it.

Blogging, Business, Conferences, Education, Professionalism, Public speaking, Skillset | Permalink

21 July 2007

Planning a “Make me a speaker” event

Interesting initiative.

Public speaking | Permalink

15 June 2007

Advice for presentations: It happens!

Joe's advice for budding speakers.

Public speaking | Permalink

24 May 2007

So you want to be a speaker?

There's a scramble for A-speaker status going on, and Jonathan reports from the trenches. It seems I've jumped on the speaking bandwagon just in time.

Public speaking | Permalink

21 April 2007

How to Moderate a Panel

Derek Powazek's sage advice on panel moderation. The only moderator I've ever worked with is Cameron Adams @ @media 2006, and we were all agreed he's pretty good. Now Derek explains why he's pretty good.

Public speaking | Permalink

7 July 2006

Public Speaking Tips

Because I'm going to need them one of these days.

Public speaking | Permalink

26 November 2005

Notes on public speaking

Because eventually I'm going to need it.

Public speaking | Permalink

This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.

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