Elsewhere on the 'Net - Conferences

Conferences elsewhere on the 'Net.


29 July 2009

The Developer Evangelist Handbook

Chris Heilmann unveils an online book that explains how to be a developer evangelist. Tons of good advice here. Read it if you're eager to talk about the stuff you're doing and want to convince other developers to use it.

Blogging, Business, Conferences, Education, Professionalism, Public speaking, Skillset | Permalink

9 May 2008


Derek and me disagreeing.

Fun, Photos, d.construct 2006 | Permalink

17 March 2008

Talking Point: Is South By South West overrated?

Good question. My answer is definitely Yes as a conference, but probably No for the social factor.

Conferences | Permalink

22 November 2007

Planning JavaScript and Ajax for larger teams, equine invigorating imagery, one voice for libraries and a lot of good speakers - this was @mediaAjax 2007

Chris's write-up and slides.

@media Ajax 2007 | Permalink

@media Ajax, day 2

Jeremy's write-up, part 2.

@media Ajax 2007 | Permalink

@media Ajax, day 1

Jeremy's write-up, part 1.

@media Ajax 2007 | Permalink

@media Ajax

Dan's slides.

@media Ajax 2007 | Permalink

@Media Ajax Wrap-Up

Alex's slides.

@media Ajax 2007 | Permalink

@media Ajax

Bruce's write-up.

@media Ajax 2007 | Permalink

@media Ajax 2007

Stuart's write-up.

@media Ajax 2007 | Permalink

17 October 2007

WebDirections North 2008

They're going to do it again: Web Directions North 2008 was just announced. I'm afraid I can't afford to visit it, but I'll be with the speakers in my thoughts.

Incidentally, there are quite a few speakers from outside the regular web dev circuit; excellent choice!

Conferences | Permalink

29 August 2007

Picking Southby apart

Andy Budd on SxSW.

With a lot of people you can tell that the only reason they’re on a panel is to get a free ticket and add Southby to their list of speaking engagements.

Guilty as charged, I'm afraid. I didn't really prepare my 2007 session too well, either. (And yes, I'm planning to do a better job for the 2008 edition.)

On the other hand, is this entirely the speakers' fault? SxSW just is like that. If you're drowning in a lineup of 128 speakers, you'll start to take your session less seriously, especially when the organisation changes your room twice so that nobody can find you.

All in all I tend to split the blame between the speakers and the organisation.

Conferences | Permalink

21 July 2007

Planning a “Make me a speaker” event

Interesting initiative.

Public speaking | Permalink

26 June 2007

The 3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference

Excellent idea.

"Write better emails. Make more moneys."

(Via Simon.)

In maybe-related news: today I read that the Dutch police have arrested a Nigerian musician who had a #1 hit in Nigeria about ... email scams!

Conferences, Fun | Permalink

15 June 2007

Advice for presentations: It happens!

Joe's advice for budding speakers.

Public speaking | Permalink

13 June 2007

After Media

Dan Cederholm's wrap-up. Interestingly, he had the same problems with pronouncing "Islington" as I had.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

Doing Local Right

Simon's summary of his excellent presentation.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

“High Performance Web Sites” at the @media 2007 Conference in London

Nate posts his presentations, which turns out to have originally contained 14 rules, and not 12. The book's coming up, too.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

@media 2007

Richard's wrap-up. Includes lots of interesting links to presentations and wrap-ups.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

@media 2007

Alastair Campbell's wrap-up. Interestingly, he visited exactly the same sessions as I did, and made many more notes.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

That media

Jeremy's wrap-up. He also mentions a slight disagreement with Patrick Griffiths about the Hot Topics panel. His rules for finding speakers for a conference (in which the speaker's gender is one factor among many) are worth a read.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

10 June 2007

@media 2007 Europe Over, @media Ajax Announced

Dan's wrap-up. I enjoyed his presentation and even learned two new tricks.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

Be a Creative Sponge

Jon 'Creative Hicks' Sponge wraps up @media, at which he did an excellent presentation, which turned out to be his first major one. Next October I'll be in the same position, and I hope I can bring it off as smoothly as he did.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink


Andy Budd wraps it up.

@media 2007 Europe | Permalink

24 May 2007

So you want to be a speaker?

There's a scramble for A-speaker status going on, and Jonathan reports from the trenches. It seems I've jumped on the speaking bandwagon just in time.

Public speaking | Permalink

d.construct 2007

d.construct 2007 has been announced: 7 September, in Brighton (the town where all British web developers live.) I plan on attending.

Conferences | Permalink

8 May 2007

O'Reilly Media and CMP technology launch Web 2.0 Expo Berlin

6-8 November. I want to see a list of speakers before I can decide whether I'll go there.

Conferences | Permalink

27 April 2007

Web 2.0 Expover

Jeremy shares his thoughts about the Web 2.0 Expo. Interesting geekiness at the fringes, but corporate bullshit in the keynotes. Besides, it's HUGE, probably too huge for my taste.

Conferences | Permalink

21 April 2007

How to Moderate a Panel

Derek Powazek's sage advice on panel moderation. The only moderator I've ever worked with is Cameron Adams @ @media 2006, and we were all agreed he's pretty good. Now Derek explains why he's pretty good.

Public speaking | Permalink

2 April 2007

South by Southwest Interactive 2007, March 9-13

Chris Mills' write-up.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

19 March 2007

SXSW Wrap - Fifth Anniversary Special

Ian Lloyd's wrap-up. Offers an interesting historical comparison 2003-7.

History, SxSW 2007 | Permalink

SxSW 2007 wrap up

Richard Rutter's wrap-up. He turns out to be responsible for the music at the Great British Booze-up, which, as I said, was the least loud party I visited.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

Quick and dirty report on SXSWi07

Veerle's wrap-up. She, too, complains about the LOUD MUSIC.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

18 March 2007

Speaking at South by Southwest

Jeremy's wrap-up.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

Let’s Have a Panel on What We Didn’t Like About SXSW 2007

John Gruber's wrap-up. About the importance of evening and other social events.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

16 March 2007

That Austin thing in 07

Dustin Diaz's wrap-up. He and Cameron pissed Jeremy off by this one slide they showed, and that's a fight that's still going on. I'm wondering if Cameron Diaz haven't bitten off more than they can chew.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

AJAX and Flash SXSW Talk

Jonathan Boutelle's slides. I found his presentation one of the more interesting ones I attended, because he drew my attention to yet another Big Divide that's plaguing us: the one between Ajax and Flash developers. Glad I talked to him; interesting conversations (even though the later one tended to be a bit on the drunken side).

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

SXSW'07: After the Storm

Jonathan Snook's wrap-up. Glad I finally met him and even talked to him for more than 30 seconds.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

South Bye Bye South West

Malarkey's wrap-up. It's a pity I missed his presentation, but mine started when his stopped. On Monday we were nervous together at the smoking balcony, and it was good to see that even experienced presenters have this problem.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

Another year, another Southby

Andy Budd's wrap-up. About the Great British Booze-up:

Unlike most events where you had to scream to be heard, people could actually talk to each other, promoting a very social event.

I completely agree; in fact I made this point to someone, but I'm not sure if it was Andy.

General message to all conference organisers (Patrick!): make sure people can actually hear each other at the parties. I'm not going there for the music, but for the talks. Besides, I have this slight hearing impairment that precludes me from hearing what other people say in a very loud environment, so this is especially important for me.

SxSW 2007 | Permalink

26 September 2006

Web Directions North

John Allsopp, too, wishes to conquer the entire world. The first step is a hook-up with Derek Featherstone and Dave Shea to dominate Canada.

Conferences | Permalink

25 September 2006

Yahoo! Developer Day Sept. 29: Speaker & Workshop Schedule

Well, look at that lineup. I'd love to hear Douglas Crockford's talk, but unfortunately my budget doesn't accomodate a weekend in San Francisco.

Conferences | Permalink

22 September 2006

@media goes global: Europe, Asia, and America

Apparently Patrick Griffiths has a grand and cunning plan to conquer the entire world. I wish him luck.

Conferences | Permalink

15 September 2006

d.Construct debrief

Andy's wrap-up.

d.construct 2006 | Permalink

12 September 2006

Fables of the dConstruction

Jeremy's writeup.

d.construct 2006 | Permalink

d.construct 2006

Paul Hammond's writeup. Includes a link to the slides of his and Simon's presentation.

d.construct 2006 | Permalink

dconstruct 2006 review

Chris Heilmann's writeup.

d.construct 2006 | Permalink

dConstruct 2006

Isolani's writeup.

d.construct 2006 | Permalink

d.Construct 2006

Chris Mills' writeup.

d.construct 2006 | Permalink

11 July 2006

d.Construct 2006 Schedule

I'll be there (if I can get through the hectic registration).

d.construct 2006 | Permalink

7 July 2006

Public Speaking Tips

Because I'm going to need them one of these days.

Public speaking | Permalink

26 June 2006

@media 2006

Rachel Andrew on @media.

@media 2006 | Permalink

@Media 2006: Day 2

Isolani's notes on @media - continued.

@media 2006 | Permalink

@Media 2006: Day 1

Isolani's notes on @media.

@media 2006 | Permalink

Notes on JavaScript Libraries

Simon repeats the points he made during the @media panel.

Conferences, JavaScript | Permalink

21 June 2006

Done @nd dusted

Andy Clarke's notes.

@media 2006 | Permalink

Good Design vs Great Design

John Hicks on his panel.

@media 2006 | Permalink

Web Access Centre Blog (beta): @media 2006

Presentation transcripts by the RNIB.

@media 2006 | Permalink

@media 2006:after

Roger's wrap-up. He summed up the coffee problem better than I could.

@media 2006 | Permalink

20 June 2006

@media2006 is almost over…

Chris Heilmann's @media highlights.

@media 2006 | Permalink

@media Impressions

Eric's take on @media.

@media 2006 | Permalink

@Media 2006: Wednesday - the day before

Isolani on the @media preliminaries.

@media 2006 | Permalink

@media 2006 Presentation

Andy Budd on his @media presentation.

@media 2006 | Permalink

Back from @media

Jeremy's notes on his presentation and @media in general.

@media 2006 | Permalink

Notes about our @media WCAG 2.0 Presentation

Ian Lloyd's notes on the WCAG panel.

@media 2006, Accessibility | Permalink

15 March 2006

Live from Real-World AJAX New York

Jep Castelein made notes during the Real-World AJAX seminar, which featured quite a few interesting speakers.

Conferences | Permalink

26 November 2005

Notes on public speaking

Because eventually I'm going to need it.

Public speaking | Permalink

18 July 2005

Promoting modern JavaScripting

Isofarro adds to the list of blog entries about Saturday 11 June, when the JavaScript revolution began.

@media 2005, JavaScript | Permalink

6 July 2005

The JavaScript Gurus

The JavaScript gurus discussing beer (could also be the beer gurus discussing JavaScript; I can't quite remember)

@media 2005, Photos | Permalink

@media 2005: gossip, Guinness, girls ‘n’ geeks

Bruce Lawson on @media 2005

@media 2005 | Permalink

The social factor of @media 2005

Veerle Pieters on @media 2005

@media 2005 | Permalink

The Passion of @media 2005

Molly Holzschlag on @media 2005

@media 2005 | Permalink

JavaScript and Accessibility

Derek Featherstone explains why screen reader users might have to turn off JavaScript.

@media 2005, Accessibility, JavaScript, Screen readers | Permalink

My Thoughts About @media2005

Andy Budd on @media 2005

@media 2005 | Permalink

@media2005 has drawn to a close

Andy Clarke on @media 2005

@media 2005 | Permalink

I'm b@ck from @media

Jeremy Keith on @media2005

@media 2005 | Permalink

Impressions from @media 2005

Roger Johansson on @media2005

@media 2005 | Permalink

This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.

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