Awkard Looking JavaScript
Dustin Diaz explores some curious-looking Core constructs.
Core | Permalink
This is the monthly archive for April 2006.
13 April 2006
Dustin Diaz explores some curious-looking Core constructs.
Core | Permalink
12 April 2006
Agreed. Nobody uses it anyway, but it's useful to have one entry with all arguments against it.
Core | Permalink
4 April 2006
Dan wonders whether memory leaks are such a big deal. Sure, they occur, but does it really matter in a lightly scripted page? Interesting question.
DOM, IE | Permalink
3 April 2006
2 April 2006
Dean Edwards responds to Alex. I agree with his criticism of the specific example, and right now Dean is the Supreme Honcho of Onload, so this entry is well worth reading.
DOM | Permalink
Alex Russell proposes a non-valid hack. In general I agree with him, but I don't like his specific example.
DOM | Permalink
As it says. Useful tips, including the proprietary GR(tm) system.
Fun | Permalink
See the March 2006 archive.
This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.
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