Summary of the Thidrekssaga

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Osantrix and Oda


A king was named Wilkinus. He conquered the country named Wilkinenland, that is Sweden and Gotland and the whole Swedish kingdom, Skåne, Seeland, Jutland, and all the territories belonging to it. And king Wilkinus’ realm was so wide that the country was known by his name — and in this saga it is custom that a country and people take their name from their first chieftain. So the country was called Wilkinenland and the people Wilkinen-men — until another people took lordship over the land and gave it a new name.


But when king Wilkinus had ruled this realm for a while he called up his army and rode into Púlínaland. There he encountered king Hertnit, who ruled Reussland and Greece and Hungary, and all of Austria was subjected to him and his brother Hirdir. King Wilkinus was victorious, and he marched on to Reussland and rode into Holmgard, king Hertnit’s capital. Hertnit fled after a bitter struggle, and his brother Hirdir fell, and a large part of the Reuss army. And king Wilkinus took much gold and silver.

A while later Wilkinus and Hertnit made peace. King Hertnit would retain his kingdom but would pay tribute to king Wilkinus. The Wilkinen army stopped inor was stationed in, or went through Reussland, and king Wilkinus went home.


One time king Wilkinus sailed with his army on the Baltic SeaAustrveg, and one day when his ship was on the beach in ReusslandNot Russia he went into a forest all alone, without any of his men. And he found a woman in the forest, and she pleased him and he lay with her. This was what one calls a mermaid, which in the sea is a monster but on land a woman. Then the king returned to his ship and they set sail.

When they had come some distance from the land, a woman appeared and she took hold of the ship’s stern so fast that the ship stood still. The king recognised her and told her: Let us continue on our way, and if you have anything to tell us, then come to my country and I will welcome you warmly. Then she released the ship and went back into the sea, and the king went to his kingdom.

Half a year later a woman came to him and told him she was pregnant from him. And he took her in, and after a short while she gave birth to a son who was called Wade. She no longer wanted to stay and left, and no one knows what became of herSee, however, 439..

When the boy grew up he became so large that he was a giant, and took after his mother so that he wasn’t like other human children. He was unpleasant to be with, and his father liked him little and only gave him twelve farms in Seeland before he died.

King Wilkinus had another son called Nordian, a great hero, but he was greedy and forgetful of those who used to be his friends, and was therefore less praised than his father.


Then king Wilkinus became ill, and before he died he gave his kingdom to his son Nordian. When king Hertnit heard this he swore he would never pay tribute to the Wilkinen any more, and he called upon all his men to arm themselves to wreak vengeance on the Wilkinamen because the death of Wilkinus voided the oaths they had sworn.


Shortly after king Hertnit rode north to Wilkinenland, and he plundered and burned until he found king Nordian’s army. Then they fought battle, but more Wilkinen fell, and Nordian had a smaller army since many of his men staid home and did not give him help, and he left his treasure home and did not spend it on his chieftains and knightsThis last clause is only in Von der Hagen. Thus Nordian had to flee, and Hertnit pursued the army for three days.

Now king Nordian had only two choices: he could either flee from his realm or give himself up. He decided to put himself at the mercy of king Hertnit, and he went to him and threw himself down at his feet and begged for mercy for himself and his kingdom.

And Hertnit said: The great king Wilkinus fought many battles with us, and he got our realm in his power, just as we now got your realm in our power. And we got peace from him, and therefore you will now get peace from us. But your entire realm will belong to us and pay us tribute, and you shall swear an oath to keep to this truce.

Thus peace was concluded between kings Hertnit and Nordian. Hertnit was now lord of Wilkinenland, and before he went home he set Nordian as his chieftain over this land that we now call Seeland.

And this is how king Hertnit’s realm remained for a long time. With his wife he had two sons, Osantrix and Waldemar, and he had a third son, Ilias, with a concubineLater 314 also mentions a son Iron.


When king Hertnit had become old and infirm he placed his son Osantrix over Wilkinaland and gave him the king’s name. And his son Ilias he set over Greken as a jarl, and Ilias was a powerful prince and a mighty hero. Then Hertnit became ill, and he called the greatest and wisest of his realm to his bed, and gave his son Waldemar the king’s name and set him over Reussland and Púlínaland, so that he ruled over the entire east of the world. Then king Hertnit died, and his sons ruled long after him.


King Nordian in Seeland had four sons: Etger, Aventrod, Widolf with the Staff, and Aspilian. They were all giants. When king Nordian died Osantrix made Aspilian king over his possessions.

Widolf with the Staff was so large that the heads of the others reached only to his shoulders, and he was stronger than two of his giant brothers, and had such a bad temperament that he did not respect man or animal. King Aspilian had an iron collar put around Widolf’s neck and further irons around his arms and legs, and he was only let loose when he had to battle. Also Aspilian had a large iron staff made with an iron chain on it, and Etger and Aventrod were tasked with carrying this staff, unless Widolf went into battle using it, and that’s why he’s called Widolf with the Staff. Etger only had a spear made of iron as a weapon, and it was so heavy that twelve men could not lift it.


King Osantrix was married with queen Juliana, and her father was king Iron of Skrottan and Mittan, the countries we now call Scotland and England. Osantrix and Juliana had a daughter Bertha, but Juliana died, and everyone mourned her.


A king was named Melias and he ruled over Hunnenland and he was the richest, most powerful, and most proud man. He had a daughter named Oda, and she was the most beautiful of women. The greatest kings and dukes had already asked for her hand, but her father the king loved her so much he didn’t want to give her to any man.

King Osantrix was now a widower, and he heard about king Melias and Oda. He sent twelve knights with a letter that asked for the hand of his daughter, and rich estates, gold and silver with her, or he would invade Hunnenland.


King Melias had the letter read out to him and then said: Now king Osantrix wants me to give up my daughter, who grew up here for fifteen years and whom I denied marriage with kings and dukes. But he expects me to give her up or face his army. And he called his shepherdféhirðir; why is a shepherd in charge of prisoners? and had him throw the messengers into the dungeons to await Osantrix there.


In this time two young men came to king Osantrix, they were the sons of jarl Ilias von Greken, and thus Osantrix' brother-sons. They were Hertnit and HirdVon der Hagen: Osid. Hertnit was eleven winters old and Hird tenIn other words: they are not fully grown yet. King Osantrix made Hertnit a jarl and set him over his knights, and thus Hertnit became one of the great men of Wilkinenland and received large fiefs.


When king Osantrix found out Melias had had his messengers thrown in the dungeon he called together his chiefs and knights and complained about it, and wanted to wage war against him and take his daughter.

A wise man advised him to try messengers of a much higher station, and Osantrix accepted this advice. Thus he told his nephew Hertnit to go to Hunnenland and ask for king Melias' daughter, first with words and gifts, and if those fail with a threat of war. And Osantrix gave him a letter that told Melias that Hertnit had come to take the knights in the dungeon as well as his daughter. And if Melias didn’t cooperate he could lose his life as well as his lands.


Jarl HertnitVon der Hagen: and his brother Osid with him rode south to Hunnenland, and when he was admitted to king Melias he gave a speech about his mission, but the king listened gloomily. Jarl Hertnit gave him a purple cloth, and two golden drinking cups, and a silken tent bordered with gold as gifts, but king Melias replied he would not sell his daughter for these gifts, only a concubine.

Now jarl Hertnit showed Osantrix' letter — and Melias read the letter himselfClause not in Von der Hagen — and Melias became angry and had Hertnit and Osid thrown in the dungeon.


When king Osantrix heard about this he gathered his armyIn Von der Hagen Osantrix explains the situation and his chieftains agree to follow him, and he also called up king Aspilian and his brothers Etger, Aventrod, and Widolf with the Staff, who was the oldest and strongest of the brothers.


Now king Osantrix came into Hunnenland with his army, but he told his men to call him ThidrekVon der Hagen gives "Fridrich (Mb)" as variant, and Ritter uses that name throughout his redaction of this part, and they rode peacefully, and did not harm anyone and bought what they needed in market places. They went to king MeliasVon der Hagen adds: in his capital of Walterburg and asked to meet the kingFollowing Haymes/Jónsson. Von der Hagen adds a considerable amount of text having to do with how Melias and the citizens of the town reacted, with the citizens allowing Thidrek into the town because they didn't see any disadvantage, but Melias was unhappy with the army. Also, before entering Melias' hall Thidrek tells Etger and Aventrod to keep hold of Widolf..

Brought before Melias Thidrek tells him he was a duke in Wilkinenland but incurred the displeasure of Osantrix, and that he now wants to offer himself and all his men to king Melias. And Thidrek fell to his knees. Melias asked why Thidrek hadn't made peace with his king, since Thidrek was a powerful man in his realm. And, Melias added, you're supposed to serve him. Return to your realm and reconcile yourself with your king. The king said this because he wasn’t sure who this man was.

Thidrek fell down on the floor before Melias' feet and put himself into his power and begged him to accept him. But Melias saidIn Von der Hagen Melias is first unhappy with the large army, and Thidreks says he brought it into town with the permission of the citizens.: You have brought a large army into this country, and if you now become my man it might be you don’t serve me well and we would become enemies and I would have to destroy your army before you destroy usVon der Hagen has: if we were to disagree and fall out, you’d have brought such a large force into town that you would not submit to us, and therefore I cannot trust you..

Then princess Oda spoke: Why don’t you want to give me to the king who is so powerful that he can exile this chieftain from his lands? This man could win all of your country with his sword if you were to battle.

But still the king refused to accept Thidrek, who lay before his feet.


When Widolf with the Staff heard this he became so angry he wanted to kill the king, but the other giants held him. He stomped on the ground so that both feet disappeared up to the ankles and said: Lord, why are you at king Melias’ feet? You are much nobler than he, let’s destroy his castle and plunder his country, and take his daughter as your servant.

When Thidrek heard this he had Aspilian told to bind Widolf to the city wall, and they did so with strong iron fetters. Then Thidrek fell to his knees for a third time and again asked to be taken in as Melias’ follower, since Osantrix, when he caught him, would surely hang him.

Melias said he should get up and leave in peace, because they did not want a foreign army in their town. And if they didn’t leave Melias would call up his men and fight. King Aspilian heard these words and became angry that his lord wad threated thus, and went into the hall and hit Melias’ ear so that he fell unconscious. Now king OsantrixNo more Thidrek also jumped up and drew his sword, and the Wilkinenmen with him did the same.

And when Widolf noticed his brother Aspilian had become angry he broke apart all fetters and took his iron staff. He went into the hall and killed men and women, people and cattle, and called out: Where are you, jarl Hertnit? Be happy because I’m here to free you. Jarl Hertnit and the other prisoners started to stir in their dungeon, and one knight, Hermann, was so strong that he managed to to break open the door, and they joined the other Wilkinenmen, who killed a great number of men, but king Melias escaped.


The men took Oda and all portable wealth to their chieftainOsantrix, but Oda doesn’t know that yet. And he said to her: Although your father did not want to give you to king Osantrix, I will take you with me to my lord, and gain peace and his friendship. And she said he could do whatever he pleased, since she was in his power.

Then the chieftain took a shoe made of polishedor pure silver, took the princess on his knee, and placed the shoe on her foot, and it seemed to be neither too large, nor too small, but made for her. Then he took off the shoe and placed another shoe, made from red gold, on the same foot, and he wanted to see which one looked better on her, and this one was better by half than the other.

Then the princess stroked her leg and said, looking upward to the sky: God in Heaven, give me the day that I may stroke my legVon der Hagen: decorate my foot on king Ostantrix’ throne. The king laughed and said that that day was today. Thus she became aware that king Osantrix himself had come to her, and she received him happily.


King Osantrix went home and took the princess with her. Soon after he sent messengers to king Melias to arrange a reconciliation. King Melias had given his daughter half his kingdom and the men withinVon der Hagen: given his daughtern and the man that would receive (maary) her half his kingdom. And although king Osantrix wanted to marry Oda, he did not want to decrease his father in law’s domains, but leave him the lordship over it all as long as he lived. Only after Melias' death he wanted to take the entire realm of Oda, his wife. And in this way the kings reached a reconciliation.

Now king Osantrix had a wonderful wedding prepared, and ruled his realm peacefully, like king Melias did in Hunnenland. King Osantrix and his wife had a daughter Erka, and she was the most beuatiful and courteous of all girls.

Attila and Erka


A king named Osid ruled over Frisia. He had two sons, the elder was Ortnit, the younger Attila, and Osid set him over his chieftains as he was twelve winters old. Often, Attila and his army would ride into king Melias' realm, and since Melias was old and feeble and didn’t have a son to protect him, Attila did grave damage and took many castles and towns.

In these days king Melias became gravely ill and called together his chieftains and talked to them in secret about the fact that he didn’t have a son, and his daughter was married in Wilkinenland to the north, and his son in law, Osantrix, was too far away to protect Hunnenland. But Attila made great progress in Hunnenland, and therefore Melias believed the realm would pass out of his family, even though he wished king Osantrix to take it and defend it against Attila.

Beset by these concerns, and also because he was very ill, Melias died. He was mourned throughout Hunnenland because he had been peaceful and generous, and had kept the laws.


When Attila heard this he called a large meetingþing and had all of his friends come. He held a long speech about how lucky his expeditions into Hunnenland had been and how many towns he’d taken from king Melias. And he swore he would never be home in his father’s realm before he had taken all of Hunnenland.

His speech found great applause, and for a long time people praised him for his generosity and valour, and the fact he’d become much more powerful than his kinsmen.


Now Attila was made king over the army, and his retainers gave him the king’s nameNú er Attila tekinn til konungs yfir herinn, ok gefa liðsmenn honnm konungsnafn, and in return he swore to uphold justice and law, and at another time he swore that he would not return to his father’s realm before he had conquered all of Hunnenland, all that king Melias had owned.

Melias had had his capital in Walterborg, but when Attila subdued the entire realm he moved his capital to Soest, and he had his seat here for a long time and he was the first to buildDoes this mean found? and inhabit this city, and it is still impressive and powerful to this dayThese last two clauses are only in Von der Hagen. Attila was now made king of all HunnenlandAlso only in Von der Hagen; previously Attila had merely been king of the army.

King Osantrix thought king Attila had taken by force the land that belonged to his wife, queen Oda, Melias' daughter. But Attila kept it all and never sent Osantrix tributeVon der Hagen adds a long piece about how they waged many wars, and how Attila boasts that his father doesn’t have as large a realm as he does.

Then king Osid, king Attila’s father, died, and his elder son Ortnit, Attila’s brother, took over the realm. Ortnit has a son called Osid whom he sent to king Attila to be raisedVon der Hagen: when Osid was a man, he wanted to visit Hunnenland. Attila made him a chieftain over many knights. Thus the realm remained for a long time.


One day king Attila told Osid to travel to Wilkinenland to ask for the hand of Erka, king Osantrix' daughter. Attila also selected a second chieftain to go on this journey: Rodolf, a duke over many knights. When Osid and Rodolf arrived in Wilkinenland king Osantrix received them well, even though he and Attila were not friends, and asked them what they came for.

Osid told them Attila wanted to marry Erka. Osantrix replied that king Attila had feuded with him, and killed many Wilkinamen, and therefore he would not give him his daughter. Osid and Rodolf returned home and told each other they had never seen so beuatiful a woman as Erka, and after her Berta, her sisterIn Von der Hagen Osid tells all this to Attila.


A castle was called Bakalar, and a margrave called Rodinger owned it, a powerful chieftain and friend of king Attila. Attila sent word to Rodinger, and when the margrave came to Soest Attila asked him to ride to Wilkinenland to king Osantrix to ask for Erka’s hand. And, added Attila, if he again denies us his daughter, tell him he should prepare his realm and men and we will come with our army.

Rodinger went to Wilkinenland with sixty knights. King Osantrix welcomed him and organised a feast, which Rodinger accepted.


Then Rodinger told Osantrix that Attila wanted the hand of Erka, and a rich dowry. He will repay you with gifts and his friendshipInstead of this, Von der Hagen has: when he does not get what he wants, he will bring his army here.. He is now very powerful, and is now established over Hunnenland and he is the most valiant of kingsVon der Hagen: and conquered great realms with his sword, and he succeeded at everything, that's why it's better to have his friendship rather than emnity.

King Osantrix replied: You are a good chieftain, margrave, and you bring your lord’s message well. But it’s strange he desires my daughter when he has taken our territoryVon der Hagen: that was Melias’, and I should avenge him. And king Attila is of a less high family than we Rus. Then why should I give him Erka, whom I love more than most of my kingdom. Now go home in peace, but king Attila should not hope we give him our daughter.

Rodinger told Osantrix that if he didn’t want to give his daughter to Attila, that king would do great damage to his realm. Osantrix laughed, and warned Attila through Rodinger that the Wilkinenmen were ready for battle. Then Rodinger went back, and Osantrix gave him rich gifts. In Soest he told Attila that there was no chance Osantrix would give Erka to him.


King Attila gathered a great army against king Osantrix, and when he rode out of Soest he had fiveVon der Hagen: six thousand knights, and when they came in Wilkinenland they burned and pillaged.

The giant Aspilian came against Attila with his army, and a great battle ensued. The Wilkinenmen were put to flightVon der Hagen: Aspilian had few warrior but depended on his brothers, and they killed five hundred, of which Widolf alone three hundred. and Aspilian and Etger fled east, but Aventrod and Widolf fled to king OsantrixThis clause is not in Von der Hagen, but matches 144, where only these two giants are with Osantrix.

Now king Osantrix gathered his army and marched against Attila. When he came south of Jutland he wanted to do battle with Attilaand in Von der Hagen this battle actually takes place and Widolf mows down the Huns and Attila loses and flees into the forest, but Attila rode back into Hunnenland, and Osantrix went after him, and when Attila came to the forest on the border between Denmark and Hunnenland he set up his tents and waited to see if Osantrix would ride out of his realm into HunnenlandVon der Hagen: Osantrix didn’t want to enter the forest at night and set up his tents on one side, and Attila on the other..


RodolfVon der Hagen: Rodinger the good knight was spying in the forest. When he became aware of king Osantrix’ army Rodolf went back to king Attila's armyEverything up to here is missing in Von der Hagen and gathered three hundred knights and met Osantrix’ guards and killed all twelve. Then they rode into king Osantrix’ camp and blew their horns, and killed all that came running, and before they even got their weapons six hundred men had been killed by weapons or trampled under horseshoesThis last clause is only in Von der Hagen.

Then he rode back into the forest and counted his men, and found he had lost no one, and no one was even seriously wounded, but they had killed five hundred of the enemy. And Rodolf went back to Attila, who rewarded him wellVon der Hagen has something more negative: When Osantrix took up arms they fled to king Attila and told him what happened, and asked him to retreat to Hunnenland in order to safeguard it, since they could do nothing else. Then Attila went home to Soest, and king Osantrix went back to his realm, and things stayed calm for a while.


One day duke RodolfVon der Hagen: margrave Rodinger went to king Attila and asked him for a boon: three hunderd knights, and as much gold and silver as necessary for such an expeditionVon der Hagen: and your nephew Osid. King Attila asked whet he needed it for, and the duke said: What does it matter? But if I’m not back after three winters I’m dead. And king Attila gave him what he asked for.

They rode from Soest andVon der Hagen inserts: he had the rumour spread he rode westward to Spain to ask for the king of Spain’s daughter’s hand for king Attila, but in fact went north to Wilkinenland, and when they came into an uninhabited forest they made camp. Now Rodolf told his men: This forest is uninhabited, and there’s no road through it. Stay here and live her for a while, until I return. This gold and silver I give you to provide yourselves with food and clothing, and send men to the market to buy what you need. If I’m not back within three winters, go home ant tell king Attila that I’m deadVon der Hagen adds: He asked Osid to take care of them in his absence.

Then he rode alone to Wilkinenland, wearing a large hood and calling himself Sigurd.


When he arrived at king Osantrix’ hall he came before the king wearing a wide hood so that one could not see him in the eyes, and appeared to be an oldand either dim-sighted or stupid man. He threw himself before the king’s feet and said: Lord Osantrix, for God’s sake grant me mercy. And the king asked: who are you and what do you want? You speak like our enemies, the Huns.

RodolfVon der Hagen: Rodinger said: Lord, I am Sigurd, and I was raised in Hunnenland and I fled before my enemies. Osantrix said: You look like duke Rodolf, who once killed five hundred of my knightsVon der Hagen adds: and thus repaid the gifts we gave him. If this is really Rodinger, this refers to the gifts in 44..

Sigurd said: I was king Melias’ follower with my three brothers, but Attila hanged one of them, killed another with the sword, and wounded the third, and he was still lying wounded when I left. Then I killed a hundred of his men and burned five farms and fled from HunnenlandVon der Hagen’s version is much longer: Sigurd denies being Rodinger, explains how they never swore loyalty to Attila, got chased, and now wants to serve Osantrix because he is married to Melias’ daughter. And if Rodinger were to fall into your power, like I have now, may you repay his ingratitude and crimes..

And Osantrix welcomed him, and promised him a rewardVon der Hagen adds that Osantrix' men would welcome him as well, and Rodinger says that he will stay if that is true And Sigurd stayed with king Osantrix for two wintersVon der Hagen adds he kept wearing his deep hat, but did not speak to Erka, although he would have liked to.


Around that time a powerful king from Svavaland called Nordung came to Osantrix to ask for Erka's hand, and he was supported by jarl Hertnit and his brother HirdVon der Hagen: Osid because Nordung was a friend of theirs. King Osantrix was inclined to take up the proposal, provided his daughter was willing.

Erka lived in a castleVon der Hagen: together with her sister Berta and forty other maidens that no man was allowed to enter. King Osantrix told Sigurd: You are a good man, and therefore I want to send you to Erka in her castle to tell her about Nordung and to ask her for her wishesVon der Hagen more like: and to continue Nordung's wooing for him.

King Osantrix and king Nordung were sitting outside on the city wallVon der Hagen: castle court when this happened.


Sigurd went to the castle and asked the princess to open the doors. When she heard her father had sent him there she invited him in and asked him what his mission was. And she added: You are a wise and wily man, and never before someone has come to my father for twice twelve months who acted as you have, for you never came here except when you’re commanded to, and you never came to talk to us.

Sigurd said that it was not customary in herVon der Hagen: our country to see princesses, unless the king allows it, and that he learned this in Hunnenland. But since the king himself sent him, they could speak for a while.

Then Erka told her sister Berta and all others to go out so that the two of them could remain alone to fulfill his mission. But Sigurd proposed: let's go into the grassy courtyard to speak there, so that even the king on the wall can see what wer’re doing, but no one can hear our words. And Erka replied he was courteous, and learned great cunningor good manners? in his youth. Then she called for two cushions to be laid outside.

Witig and Heime


King Osantrix also had a large army, and when he met the army that did not flee from himDid the army flee from him earlier? The saga is unclear they clashed with one another, and a great battle began.

Herbrand, king Dietrichs banner carrier, rode in front, and hit with both hands both men and horses, and behind him came king Dietrich and his heroes, and they all tried their swords on hard helmets and strong shields and armour, and all the companions helped one another where necessary.

Then Widolf with the Staff came to them and with his staff he hit Witig, who was out in the very front, on the helmet, so that he fell from his horse onto the ground unconscious. Heime was close by, and when Witig had fallen he took his sword Mimung and hurried from there.

The Wilkinen also fought bravely, but king Dietrich told all his men to advance and show the enemies their handiwork. Now king Osantrix saw that the battle was lost and fled, after he had lost 500 knights. Attila, who had lost only 300, chased after him.

Wildeber and Isung


The next morning the king and all his men went out of the castle to a field, and with them as well Widolf with the Staff and Aventrod, and Widolf was in strong chains, since he should never be released except in battle. And they and all of the other king's men were without weapons. Many other people, young and old, men and women and children, came to see what would happen.

And now Witig in his prison heard that Isung, his friendThis friendship is not mentioned anywhere else, had come, and suspected he wanted to free him with some plot at the request of king Dietrich and his companions. Witig broke his fetters.

The people outside let loose sixty large dogs who all attacked the bear at the same time, but the bear took the largest of them with his front paws and with it killed twelve of the best dogs. King Osantrix became angry, walked to the bear, drew his sword, and slashed him at the top of his back, and although the sword went through the skin the armor.

Now Wildeber snatched his sword from the hands of Isung, went after the king and cut off his headthis last clause is missing from Von der Hagen and then ran to the giant Aventrod and killed him, and then sprang on Widolf with the Staff and killed him as well. And thus king Osantrix ended his life, and with him two of his giants.

Then all of the king's men, who were unarmed, ran away, and all thought the devil himself had entered the bear, and most of them didn't know what to do.

Wildeber now went to the castle and asked where his good friend Witig was. Witig had already broken out of prisoncan't have a major hero sitting around passively waiting for a rescue and together they ran through the town and killed sixteen men. They found many goods and weapons and horses, among which Witig's horse Schimming, and all his weapons except for his good sword Mimung, which he could find nowhere.

Now Wildeber took off the bear skin, and all saw he was a man and not a monstertroll, and they understood they had been tricked, and went for their weapons. Witig, Wildeber, and Isung thought it inadvisable to stay longer, and thought they had done well. They had found as much gold and silver and treasures as they could carry, and rode out of town. And they rode through wild lands until they came to Hunnenland and king Attila.

Origins of the Niflungen


A king named Aldrian ruled over Niflungenland, and his wife was the daughter of a mighty king. One day, when Aldrian was away, she was drunk with wine and fell asleep in a flower garden. A man came to her, and she thought she recognised Aldrian, but he left quickly.

The queen became pregnant, and when she once again was alone the same man came to her, and told her he was the child's father, and he was an elf. She should keep this a secret from everyone except the child, who would grow to become a great man. And when he would ever find himself in trouble, he should call upon his father. Having said that, the man disappeared.

The queen gave birth to Hagen, called Aldrian's son. When he was four winters old, the other children told him his face was like a ghost's, and when he looked at himself in water, he saw his face was as pale like ash. He went to his mother and asked why he was like this. His mother told him the truth about his father, but a woman stood nearby and overheard the conversation, and this woman later became a concubine of Dietrich von Bern, and she told him the secret, and thus it became known.

King Aldrian and his wife had three sons and a daughter: Gunther, Gernot, and Giselher, who was still a child when these things happenedI think Sigfrid's death is meant here.. Their sister was Grimhild.

When king Aldrian left his realm and died, his oldest son Gunther took up the kingship.

The road to Bertangaland


Although they did not cultivate it much, Witig and Etger the giant were related. Because Witig was the son of Wieland the Smith, whom the NorthmenVæringjar call Völund fyrir hagleiks sakarGoogle Translate says 'for the sake of good fortune'. This part is missing from Von der Hagen's translation., and Wieland was a son of the giant Wade, and Wade was the son of king Wilkinus and a sea ladysjókona, as was said earlier23. But king Wilkinus had another son with his own wifeeiginkona called Nordian, who was also a king, but a lesser one than his father, and Nordian had four sons who were all strong giants: Aventrod, Widolf with the Staff, and the third was Etger, who lived in this forest, and the fourth was Aspilian, who was also a king, and he was like other children of meni.e. not a giant. In this way Witig and the giant Etger were related.

Heime's death


The tiding that Aspilian had been defeated by a monk became widely known. When king Dietrich of Bern heard about it he wondered who that monk was. He considered that all his heroes were dead, and wondered what had become of his good friend Heime. And he felt that this deed could not have been done by anyone but Heime.

Dietrich rode to the monastery that was called WadincusanAssumed to be Wedinghausen and asked if there was a monk called Heime Studa’s son. And the abbot replied he could tell him the names of all monks, but Heime was not among them.

At that moment a monk came from the cloister, short, with broad shoulders and a long beard that was grey like a dove. And this monk was silent and didn’t speak to king Dietrich. But Dietricht thought he recognised Heime, and he said: We’ve seen many snows since we parted as good friends, and thus we meet again. You are Heime, my dear friend. But Heime replied: The one you call Heime I do not know, and I’m not him. Then Dietrich said: Brother, don’t you remember how our horses drank during the campaign in FrisiaVon der Hagen says this refers to 40, but Dietrich or Heime do not appear there, so that the water level dropped? And Heime said: How should I remember that if I never saw you before?

And Dietrich said: But surely you remember the day that you followed me I was driven me from my realm, and returned to Ermenrik but he drove you away like an outlaw288? Heime replied: I cannot remember any of that. I have heard of Dietrich of Bern and Ermenrik of Rome, but know nothing of them. But, Dietrich asked, don’t you remember how we went to Rome for a feast and found jarl Iron with his heavy wounds, guarded by his falcons and dogs273. But Heime said he didn’t remember. But don’t you remember, asked Dietrich, how we came to Ermenrik’s court at Rome275, and how our horses neighed nobly, and how all the beautiful women stood and looked at us, for back then our hair was golden and curly, but now it is grey like a dove. And all your clothes had the same colours as mine. Do you remember that, my friend? And don’t let me stand before you for longer.

Then Heime said: Good king Dietrich, now I remember all that you said, and I want to come with you. And Heime threw off his monk’s cloak, collected his belongings and his horse, and went with Dietrich to Rome. And Dietrich took Heime in and placed him over his knights. There they remained for some time.


One day king Dietrich and Heime discussed tribute they could collect from their lands. And Heime pointed out that the monastery did not pay tribute to anyone, and there was a lot of gold and silver. Dietrich agreed that he had never received tribute from them, and decided that if they were to require it, Heime would be the man to ask for it.

And a few days later Heime rode to the monastery. When he arrived the monks were angry at him because he had left the monastery without the abbot’s permission, but on the other hand they didn’t mind because they were all afraid of him. He spent the night there, and the next morning he called all monks to the chapter and told him king Dietrich sent him, and that the monastery had far more gold and silver than it needed. Thus, Heime said, he wants tribute, like from all other places. Will you give him a tribute fitting for a king?

The abbot replied that the money belonged to Saint Mary and God, and that it was free from the crown and no king would receive tribute from it. Heime said that they would have to face the king’s wrath, and that it was strange they collected so much money that did not do anyone any good. The abbot said: Heime, you’re an evil man. You ran away from here, went to the king’s court, and now you return to rob us. Go back home, where the devil brought you before, and be a devil yourself, like king Dietrich.

Heime became so angry he drew Nagelring and beheaded the abbot, and the next monk, until all monks were dead. Then he took all the gold and silver and loaded many horses with it. And before he left he set the monastery on fire. When he returned to king Dietrich he told him everythingA says Dietrich burned the monastery and took the treasure.


Then Dietrich heard of a giant who had so much gold and silver that no one knew a larger hoard. This giant was very old and so big and strong even an elephant could not carry him. He was lazy and mostly stayed in one place, and therefore few people had heard of him. Heime told Dietrich of this giant and offered to get tribute.

Heime went alone to a mountain with a great forest. There he found a large cave, and he jumped from his horse and went in. Inside he saw a giant with hair white like a dove, and he was so long that it covered his entire face. Heime said: Get up, giant, and defend yourself. I want to fight you.

The giant replied: You are bold, but I don’t want to get up and fight you. But Heime said: If you don’t get up and fight now I’ll draw my sword and kill you. The giant jumped up and shook his head and hair so that it stood out and he was awful to see. He took his staff and gave Heime such a blow that Heime flew away as fast as an arrow from a bow and was dead before he hit the ground.

This is said of Heime’s death. And it became known that such a great hero had lost his life.


When Dietrich heard this he decided to avenge him or lose his life. And he prepared his horse Blanka and his weapons, rode to where the giant lived, and asked him: Do you admit having killed my good friend Heime? And the giant said that he didn't know Heime was his friend, but he had killed him because otherwise he himself would have been killed. Dietrich challenged him, the giant took his staff, and Dietrich drew Eckisax. The giant raised his staff in both hands and Dietrich, who didn’t want to flee, moved forward. The giant hit the ground behind king Dietrich, and Dietrich cut off his hands, together with the staff. Thus the giant was without victory and also without hands. And Dietrich did not leave until the giant was dead. The king jumped back on to his horse, and had thus won the final duel that this saga tells about, and it became known how he had avenged his friend.

After that it is not told that king Dietrich heard of a hero or giant famous enough for him to fight, because he was such a great hero that no one dared. The only thing he did was hunt great animals that even other heroes didn’t dare to hunt. Often he rode with a few companions and accomplished many hunting feats, but we cannot write about those because we have not heard about them.

Dietrich's death


When king Dietrich was advanced in age but still good with weapons he took a bath at what’s called Dietrichsbadwhich he founded in 415. A servant called out: My lord, there runs a deer, and I’ve never seen an animal this big or fast! When he heard that the king got up, wrapped himself in his bathing cape, and called as he saw the animal: Quick, get my horse and my dogs! His servants ran to fetch his horse, but the king became impatient while the animal ran away, and saw a great horse with a saddle standing, and it was black like a raven. He ran to the horse and jumped on its back. At that moment the servants let loose the dogs, but they did not want to follow this horse.

The horse ran faster than any bird can fly, and Dietrich’s best squire rode after him on his horse Blanka, and all the dogs behind it. Then king Dietrich realised he was not really on a horse, and wanted to jump off, but he was held so tight he was unable to lift his thighs from the horse’s sides. Then the squire called after him: Lord, will you come back? Why are you riding so fast? And king Dietrich replied: I am riding badly, because what I’m sitting on must be a fiend. But I will return if God and Saint Mary will it. Then the horses were too far apart and the squire could not see the king any more. And since then no one has heard anything from him.

No one can say what has become of king Dietrich. But German men say that it has been revealed in dreams that king Dietrich was helped by God and Saint Mary because he cried out their names at his death.

Here we end the telling of this saga.


As was said before336 at Gransport Witig Wieland’s son fled into the lake. And he came to a mermaid, his grandfather’s motherSee 23 who took him to Seelandin Denmark. There he staid for a long time, until he heard that Dietrich von Bern had become emperor at Rome. Then he went to an island called Fimber, and built himself a farm, and a little tower at the crossing to the mainland. And in that tower he put a ferryman and a statueSee also 66 of Dietrich von Bern, and forbade the ferryman to ever bring across someone who looked like the statue.


Dietrich von Bern secretly traveled to find Witig in order to avenge his brotherDiether, killed by Witig in 333, and he had no one with him but two squires. When he came to the crossing to the island he was ferried over. But when the ferryman saw that he resembled the statue he told Dietrich: I’ll have to take you back again, you are forbidden from entering the island. Therefore Dietrich was brought back.

Dietrich understood what this all meant, and preferred to die rather than leave his brother unavenged. Therefore he went to a town and had a doctor take out one of his eyes. When he had recovered he went back to the crossing and was taken to the island, and the ferryman let him go wherever he wanted.

Dietrich entered Witig’s farm and went to his house. There Witig stand next to his bed and was dressing, and there was no one else inside. When Dietrich appeared in the door he saw Mimung laying in a chest. He took it from the sheath and tossed it on to the roof so that it got stuck there. When Witig saw Dietrich he welcomed him, fell on his knees, and put himself and all his goods in his power.

And Dietrich replied: Since we separated at Gransport, where you killed my brother and king Attila’s sons, you never had truce in my heart. So arm yourself and defend yourself. And Witig said: Give me my sword Mimung. And Dietrich said: Take another good sword. And Witig armed himself and the fought long until Witig fell dead before his own bed.


King Dietrich had many heavy wounds, and he took the sword Mimung and went through Holstein to Sachsen. When he came to Schwaben his wounds had swelled and developed gangrene, and he understood he would not live long. Then he went to a river or lake, drew Mimung, and threw it in the water as far as he could, so that it would never come into anyone’s hands again.

Then he went to a castle called Hoffert and stayed for the night. When he recognised he was going to die he forbade his two squires to tell anyone who he was. Shortly after he died from the wounds that Witig Wieland’s son had given him, and was buried in that town as a merchant.

His two squires went home to Rome and did not tell much about their trip. But everyone in Denmark knew that Witig had been slain in his own house, but no one knew who had killed him.

And German men knew too that king Dietrich never returned to his realm, since he rode from the baths called Dietrichsbad. Therefore all Romans held it for true that Dietrich died as described beforeIn 438.

Status: summary of 42 chapters complete.

Other parts

  1. Dietrich's family (1-14)
  2. Hildebrand (15-17)
  3. Heime (18-20)
  4. Osantrix and Oda (21-38)
  5. Attila and Erka (39-56)
  6. Wieland the Smith (57-79)
  7. Witig (80-95)
  8. Journey to Osning (96-107)
  9. Witig and Heime (108-110,134-137,146-151)
  10. Detlef the Dane (111-129)
  11. Amelung, Wildeber, and Herbrand (130-133)
  12. Wildeber and Isung (138-145)
  13. Sigmund and Sisibe (152-161)
  14. Sigfrid's youth (162-168)
  15. Origins of the Niflungen (169-170)
  16. Dietrich's feast (171-191)
  17. The road to Bertangaland (192-199)
  18. The tournament (200-222)
  19. Dietrich's fellowship falls apart (223-226,240)
  20. Gunther and Brunhild (227-230)
  21. Walther and Hildegund (241-244)
  22. Ake and Iron (269-275)
  23. Dietrich's flight (276-290)
  24. The Wilkinen wars (291-315)
  25. The battle of Gransport (316-341)
  26. Sigfrid's death (342-348)
  27. Hertnit and Isung (349-355)
  28. Grimhild's revenge (356-394)
  29. Dietrich's return (395-415)
  30. Attila's death (423-428)
  31. Heime's death (429-437)
  32. Dietrich's death (438-442)