SELECTORS - I studied this selector before + I need to do research for this selector Selector basics - Element selector - Class selector - ID selector - Descendant selector - , - * - + - > - ~ - [attr] + permutations - Explanation of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements User action - :active - :focus :focus-visible :focus-within, + :-moz-user-focus -> check if this helps with :valid/:invalid - :hover - :target + :target-within Functional - :not() + :is() + :where() + :has() Input (forms) - :checked - :default - :disabled - :enabled - :in-range and :out-of-range - :invalid and :valid - :optional - :read-only and :read-write - :required - :indeterminate + :autofill + :placeholder-shown + ::placeholder + :blank + :user-invalid and :user-valid Previous research: Tree structure - :first/last-of-type - :first-child and :last-child - :nth-child + last - :nth-of-type + last + nth-child(4 of S) - :only-child - :only-of-type - :empty - :root -> overused, why not simply html? - ::first-letter and ::first-line ::prefix and ::postfix + :part() for options in select Tree-Abiding Pseudo-elements - ::before and ::after + ::marker (placeholder, but better with forms) + ::file-selector-button Nesting Not a selector per se, but needs to be treated here. Miscellaneous highlight - ::selection + ::target-text tables + || -> column.selected || td -> only for table columns? + nth-col() and nth-last-col() + :defined - :link :visited :any-link :local-link + :scope + :fullscreen -> mobile browsers are always fullscreen + :modal + :picture-in-picture + :dir() + :lang() + :playing and :paused + ::backdrop