W3C DOM Compatibility - Traversal

Last major update on 29 June 2010.

Cover of my book

If you'd like to have some practical examples of what you can do with the W3C DOM, read my book ppk on JavaScript, especially chapter 8.

These compatibility tables detail support for the W3C DOM Traversal in all modern browsers.

The purpose of these properties is to ignore non-element nodes. Therefore they’ll always return the first, next, previous, or last element node.

Selector IE 5.5 IE 6 IE 7 IE8 IE9 pr3 FF 3.0 FF 3.5 FF 3.6 Saf 4.0 Win Saf 5.0 Win Chrome 5 Opera 10.10 Opera 10.53 Konqueror 4.x
The number of element children

Test page
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes To be tested
The first child that is an element node

Test page
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes To be tested
The last child that is an element node

Test page
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes To be tested
The next element node sibling

Test page
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes To be tested
The previous element node sibling

Test page
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes To be tested