Explorer Windows bug - width on ol

Different bugs in Explorer 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0 Windows.

When you apply a width to an ol or ul, Explorer Windows secretly applies more rules. Moreover, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0 each apply different rules.

A very confusing situation. This style causes the bug:

.test {
	width: 300px;
  1. Explorer 5.0 uses bullets for the ol and shows them inside the text (list-style-position: inside).
  2. Explorer 5.5 uses decimals for a ol, but they still have the wrong position.
  3. Explorer 6.0 doesn't show any marker at all.

Solution? No

The simple solution of explicitly setting the buggy styles doesn't work.

.solution {
	list-style-position: outside;
	list-style-type: decimal;

The list style position is unchangeable. Explorer 5.0 gives every list item order number 1, and 6.0 still doesn't show any marker.


No width default

  1. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item.
  2. The second item.


  1. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item.
  2. The second item.


Solution? No

  1. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item. The first item.
  2. The second item.