Bug Reports for February 2006

This is the monthly Bug Reports archive for February 2006.

Double-padding/nowrap crash

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows | 0 comments
Reported on 24 February 2006

Setting certain combinations of padding, position, and white-space CSS properties on a block/inline element pair causes Internet Explorer to freeze up. (100% CPU usage.)

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Martin Sutherland.

Incorrect handling of disabled BUTTON elements

Permalink | Safari, iCab | 1 comments
Reported on 23 February 2006

Adding disabled attributes to <BUTTON> elements in Safari does not have the desired effect.

Disabled buttons with text content are not greyed out and still respond visually to clicks (albeit without generating any onclick events).

In <BUTTON> elements with image content, the addition of a disabled atribute has no effect whatsoever.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Philip Ronan.

:first-letter bug in Mozilla Firefox

Permalink | Mozilla | 2 comments
Reported on 21 February 2006

In Mozilla Firefox 1.5 when you scroll the form so that it is off-screen at the top then scroll back on-screen the underscores on the first letter of each line sometimes do not re-appear again. When scrolling to the end of the form and backup again, and when the browser window is resized to a smal size it seems even more persistent. This bug is triggered by styling label:first-letter {text-decoration: underline}.

(ppknote: This bug is quite flighty, I myself saw it only the third time I tried the test page.)

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Johan Van Den Rym.

No background image on a textarea

Permalink | Explorer Mac, Safari | 2 comments
Reported on 20 February 2006

Safari doesn't allow you to set a background image on a textarea.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Jean-Charles Meyrignac.

Opera absolute<fixed Nested Positioning

Permalink | Opera | 1 comments
Reported on 17 February 2006

An absolute positioned element inside a fixed positioned element disappears after scrolling down one page height.

div#sidebar { position: fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; }

div#disappearing { position: absolute; bottom: 0; }

ppknote: Opera 9 beta has a different bug, but this situation is still buggy. It doesn't recalculate the height of the fixed layer when the page is resized.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Chris Sullins.

IE print bug with white-space:pre

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows | 0 comments
Reported on 15 February 2006

When Explorer encounters a tag with the style white-space:pre inside a table, it will only print the first line even though it renders properly in the browser.

(ppknote: IE 7 beta 2 only shows an 'O' in the print preview)

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Jehiah.

Incorrect positions when using right and bottom

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows | 0 comments
Reported on 14 February 2006

If the height of a relatively positioned block is an an even number or the width an odd number, any element that’s positioned absolutly inside that block and use bottom or right will be 1px out.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Marc Pacheco.

dotted borders become dashed

Permalink | Explorer 7 | 1 comments
Reported on 10 February 2006

If a list element's borders are defined as 1px dotted, but one border is further defined as 2px or greater, IE7b2 renders the dotted borders as dashes.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Carl Camera.

Crash when updating styles with javascript

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows | 0 comments
Reported on 9 February 2006

IE crashes after updating several h1's css classes and div's display style with javascript. The bug only happens when specific styles are being used, in a specific order of updating the elements, and with specific laps of time between the updates.

(ppknote: complicated bug. Please read the page carefully)

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: quentin.

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